I have only written a couple times in this group but have many times appreciated reading the thoughts of the heart that are shared here. I knew when I saw the word of the week I needed to join in.
Five Minute Friday: STILL
The moment I saw the word of the week, the scripture from Psalms 46:10 ran through my mind...'BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD'
It has been a year since we sold our home and became true Vagabonds. After a couple months of living in a friends home allowing Jim a time of recovery from surgery. Then after five weeks in a condominium in the Florida sunshine we moved into our new home ...a 32 foot home on wheels (no slide out for extra room.) For 9 months we traveled, visited friends and family and made new friends. 3 months ago we returned to Montana to begin searching for a home base. A search we thought would be quick has turned into the adventure of a lifetime. Frustration has been a frequent visitor and my challenge is to be STILL...
Listen for that quiet voice.
Wait for His peace. Peace for that moment, that hour and that day.
Learning the balance of action and being Still.
Searching the ads...being STILL
Making appointments...Being STILL
Scoping out homes...Being STILL
Awaiting decisions...being STILL
Seeking patience....being STILL
After nearly 48 years of marriage I never anticipated this time of being unsettled. It is in those moments of stopping to be STILL that I know that He is God.
Five Minute Friday....STILL