It has been several months since I have taken the time to sit here and share a thought or two. Grab a cup of coffee and join me as I hope to get back 'in the groove.'
The calendar pages seem to turn faster and faster each year and here we are in the midst of October again. Fall brings with it a gaggle of celebrations in our home. Birthdays of children, grandchildren and friends give reason for gatherings, fellowship laughter and love! I always find myself feeling blessed beyond measure as I am given opportunity to celebrate the gift of a life filled with such love and health.
Thanksgiving reigns supreme in my heart as we have traversed through 10 months of another year with everyone healthy. In the year 2016 we have seen 5 friends diagnosed with cancer. Two of those are children.:( My heart aches for each of these families as they make their journey down a path they would never choose.
For the last couple years, Fall also has meant long walks, as I train for the 3Day 60 Mile walk for breast cancer. September would find me in Seattle, WA in the midst of several hundred walkers. This year I am changing it up a bit and will travel to San Diego, CA. in November and join several thousand walkers along the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
Each mile I walk, whether in training, or on the course, is taken in honor of the names I have gathered, and the thousands of others who have been called into their own personal battle.
Each year I am required to raise a minimum of $2300 to be a part of the 'big walk'. For my third year that goal, and more, has been given by friends, family and strangers!
From the $3.00 donation to the $250 donation, EACH ONE is added to the thousands of dollars raised by others to see an END to cancer!!
What a humbling thought that each of my supporters and I can be a small part in such a HUGE goal!! My word for the year has been "HOPE". My desire is that the miles I walk brings HOPE to others.
It has been shown that the research done on behalf of one cancer will benefit many, so the ultimate dream includes an end to ALL cancer. Dream Big and Pray Earnestly and Walk Strong!! Those are three things I can do!!
Walking has become my passion and has proven to be that means in my life to share Hope with others and brings Joy and Health to mine :)
Have you found your passion??? What is it your life that takes your focus off YOU and puts it on others??? I would love to hear.....
Check out my personal page:
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
A Gift of Responsibily

For me I celebrated not that I "made it through the year" but that I came through with flying colors!! As the years pass the realization that life is truly a gift becomes a reason to pause and give thanks. The fact that not only was I given the gift of a new year but I open that year with fantastic health causes me to want to SHOUT with joy! In my moments of reflection I have become aware of the responsibility that comes with that gift.
Responsibility you may think??? Shouldn't I just take every day and concentrate on enjoying it?? After all I AM a SENIOR CITIZEN, I have served my time, raised my family and partnered with my husband to make a home filled with love.
Don't get me wrong, I DO intend to enjoy every moment, day, week or years God chooses to give me. The responsibility lies in the choices I make for that allotted time. This past year has been full of new acquaintances ,old friends, and family who have, in one way or another, made that real to me.
The past year brought the death of two brother in laws and several friends, diagnosis of Dementia for another sister and the journey of chemo with our daughter in law. A year filled with those things that come with getting older. THAT my friends is exactly why I feel the need to take a new look at my responsibility to use my gift to the fullest!!
Death, Dementia, and Cancer...could each be a reason to run toward a lifestyle that keeps me hidden at home in fear, or looking only for fun, sun and a beach. Hmmmmm that life could happen! :) but what I have found is no matter where I am, there is always someone who needs a hug and maybe an ear.
My responsibility lies in being aware of those in my life that need a touch, or word of encouragement or maybe a meal. Doing all I can to assure that my good health continues. I can walk wherever I might be (with the possibility of meeting a new friend on the trail)! Honing old relationships and making new but most importantly choosing JOY in each day.
It seems that as a birthday gift this year I have found a walking partner, and special friend. That has been a prayer and dream for three years and as easy as saying hello, there she was. The true blessing is that we walk the same pace, and find endless things to talk about. Can you say BONUS!?
So, as I begin this, a new year...fresh slate...I set out with the challenge to "Walk the Year 2016". ..2016 Miles in 2016. I will walk the 3Day 60 Mile Susan G Komen walk to bring an end to breast cancer and give HOPE to those fighting. Walking for HOPE
I will enjoy my family. I will make it my goal to be healthy and keep my eye out for that one who needs a hug, or an encouraging word.
Hope to see YOU on the trail!
Saturday, January 30, 2016
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3Day Walk 2015 |
Last September when I was in my final prep for the 3Day walk to Stomp Out breast cancer I colored my hair PINK. It was to be just a fun addition to my walking outfit.
As life seems to do sometimes, it threw our family a curve. My daughter in law was diagnosed with breast cancer. In HOPE of showing support I decided to keep it pink until she is done with chemo. I had no idea the doors to hearts it would open and the incredible life experiences it would offer ME.
Now, I am a Grandma who has been pretty conservative in all areas of my life, my whole life :) It is not a common experience for me to color my hair, let alone pink. So when I called my hairdresser to ask if she would help me out it was a definitely a first for me and she was determined to be very conservative. Not so much for one of her coworkers whose Mom is now a survivor. She was determined I should 'go for the gusto.' I have never regretted a moment!
My pink hair has given others the courage to ask "Are you a survivor" and upon determining we share a common bond, they have opened their hearts and shared their stories. It is my prayer that they never leave without a word of encouragement, and for some an assurance of HOPE.
Pink hair has brought smiles to the faces of strangers as I walk through a store,down the street,or on laps in the mall, I am the 'Pink Lady" in the chemo room! It has opened conversations with young and old alike. The funny thing is that I forget that my hair is pink until someone mentions it and it always catches me off guard :)
A childhood friend, with whom I recently have reconnected, messaged me..."My daughter and her fiance are in your town visiting this weekend. I told her if she sees a crazy lady with pink hair walking she should stop and say HI"
I have taken a challenge to "Walk the Year"..2016 miles in 2016. It is great training for my next 3Day 60 Mile Walk with thousands of others...the goal...To Bring An End To Breast Cancer!
So if you are in my area and see a lady with Pink hair walking,stop and say HI, I will be honored!
If you would like to join me in my effort to be a part of seeing an end to breast cancer...join me by clicking the link below:
Ending Breast Cancer
I walk the miles and folks like you provide the donations. (all donations are tax deductible)
Friday, January 22, 2016
It has been several months since I posted here. I have made a new commitment to spend a little time reflecting each week. I hope you will join me.
My youngest daughter has for the past couple years chosen a "WORD FOR THE YEAR". I decided to join her this year. As I began to contemplate what it should be, one word seemed to pop up everywhere..."HOPE" ......"an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstance." PERFECT I decided!! I can go with that one :)
For the past 3 years I have trained for and walked the 3Day 60 Mile walk for breast cancer. I have walked every mile with the thought of bringing HOPE to others. Because it is the yearly fund raiser for Susan G Komen, I am required to raise $2300 in order to participate in the walk. That money is used for research, education and assistance to those walking through breast cancer. Ultimately it is used to bring HOPE!
Check out my link...
The walk has been a life changing adventure. It has opened doors to new friendships and opportunities to share life stories and bring encouragement to others. In other words, it is a way to share HOPE.
I found a quote that I have hanging in front of my treadmill, and on the cover of my daily planner, "I want to inspire people. I want someone to look at me and say "Because of you, I didn't give up!" That my friend would be the result of causing someone else to embrace HOPE!! I can't imagine a greater joy that this.
So as January appeared on the calendar and 2016 revved up its engines I have chosen HOPE, In all areas of my life... Spiritual...Personal....Family...Health...Friends...I choose to expect positive outcomes to related events and circumstances in all these areas, because ultimately my HOPE is grounded in my God and Savior. Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit"(NIV)
Come back and join me on the journey for 2016 it is guaranteed to be filled with adventure!
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