Life has taken some twists and turns since my last visit and my focus and life goals have changed. Yes, I found that I can still find new passions as a Grandma and now Great Grandma in my 70's.
When last I shared I was walking for miles and training for the "3 Day 60 Mile" walk for breast cancer. The walk had proven to be the vehicle I could use to share my gratitude for both LIFE and the gift of WALKING. (after having both legs broken as a teenager and later the diagnosis of breast cancer) Just 2 days before I was to check in for my walk in 2018 my sister died of "Louie Body Dementia".
As I spent that week sitting by her bedside, sharing those last days and hours with she and her children I knew in my heart my focus and passion were changed forever. Her death was not the first time my life had been touched by this thief of life and memories. Some 30 years previous my Mom had died when we still thought of it as the disease of old people, and my oldest sister was robbed of her independence and and memories several years ago. She is living in a Memory Care facility at the present.
With my children, grandchildren and great-grands in mind, I knew I owed it to them; and in honor of my Mom and sisters to learn all I can and work to bring an end to this disease. No, I do not dwell on the history this thief shares in my life. I DO wake each morning thankful for my memories and determined to not let the fear that accompanies this disease win but instead seeking wisdom in how my lifestyle and habits could effect my health.
The very weekend I returned to Montana the "Walk to End Alzheimer's" was scheduled! Joined by my husband we made the walk, I met up with the Montana State leaders of the Alzhiemer's Organization, and made my commitment to become involved. The rest is history as they say....
It is with a heart filled with gratitude that I invite you to join me in my journey to learn and share in blogs to follow some of knowledge I gain, people I meet and HOPE that is available for those of us who deal with the 'worry of days to come' or those who have begun their walk as caregiver. My goal?? To let you know you are NOT ALONE and share some smiles and virtual hugs along the way!
Sharing Hope and Saving Memories
Grandma M