Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Catchin' God's Winks

God's Winks.... 'coincedences in life'

Countless times I have looked at my life and 'sighed' with the harried schedule of it all. That was acceptable and expected when the house was full of children, I found myself helping my husband in the fields, and the normal, everyday household chores beckoned. But now, I'm retired, everyday is a Saturday, according to friends. The golf course, recliner, and pampering should be the order of my day..RIGHT??


'Amazed' is how I look at my calendar as the weeks and months approach. Life is not slowing down as  one would expect at retirement age. Time seems to be flying at break-neck speed and I sometimes struggle just to hold on.

So it is with awe that I see how a very time-consuming, demanding, commitment is teaching me the greatest lesson of my life. "Slow down, reach out, stop and take time to touch a life, listen, and be touched.!"
Visiting with a fellow walker on the trail, having dinner with a friend in the middle of a long walk, lunch with an older person who needs someone to' lend an ear.' In short ...tossing the schedule to the wind and delighting in the new design for my day. Recognizing those 'Winks' from God and basking in the knowledge He is working in me!
If I had no other benefit from the commitment to to Walk 60 miles in 3days this lesson alone would be worth it all. Add to that the fact that I have an opportunity to be a small part in bringing Big Hope to so many ...is beyond words.

Make a choice today...slow down...pause..listen to that friend or stranger who crosses your path and be aware of the 'Winks" in your life. You will be astonished how much more rich your life will become.

Walking Strong...and looking for 'Winks'

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