"Thanksgiving is the soil that JOY thrives in"...this is on a church sign just up from our home. I have passed by it several times and every time I read it it gives me pause.
Notice it is JOY not happiness that thrives in the soil of thanksgiving.
Several years ago I was made aware of the difference in "Joy" and "happiness." I realized that happiness is a choice..while JOY comes from deep within. My attitude and response to my surroundings and circumstances that can change daily will determine my degree of happiness but I can experience Joy even in the darkest of times. My joy is rooted deep within me and is founded in those things that do not change...those things that produce a deep rich soil from thanksgiving that is continuous and flows freely.
The word Joy always brings to mind the scripture "The joy of the Lord is my strength"..Nehemiah 8:10... in other words my relationship with God and my thankfulness for all He is, and has given me, produces a rich soil in which joy is able to thrive. In the difficult times of life when I CHOOSE thankfulness I am able to draw on that joy and my strength is renewed for the battle.
In the lonely dark times I can choose Thanksgiving. My personal process is to simply begin to make a list of my blessings.
My husband Jim...best friend, provider, protector and love of my life after 46 years of marriage
My Children...5 in all...the fuel for my desire of life and greatest supporters and encourager's any Mom could dream of .
My Grandchildren....All 16 of them :)...my inspirations to be healthy and active and sources of hugs and snuggles.
My Health...the ability to walk {after both broken legs} breast cancer survivor ..much more
My Home...{wherever it may be!} Temporary home at present..provided in the most unexpected way..now THAT may be another story :}
My friends...to many to name,who bless me constantly with their kindness and love
Food ....
I find it almost impossible to begin to consciously list my blessings in a form of thanksgiving without finding a smile replacing the stress and loneliness.
I challenge you to make your list..check it twice and be amazed at how very much you have to be thankful for and the joy that will flood your soul. Blessings and Hugs as you enter this holiday season with a heart of thanksgiving and gratitude and JOY unspeakable!!
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