I have made the commitment in my training to take my walking to the 'outdoors' as much as possible. There is something about breathing in the fresh air that wakes my mind and puts a spring in my step. In the last couple days I have been reminded of the changes that can take place so quickly in Montana and I was reminded how it reflects life.
Yesterday I started out in cloudy overcast skies. As I continued to walk, the sun broke through. An hour later I came out from lunch to rain. My commitment to the walk was made and the weather that lay ahead was was not a factor. Commitment is not determined by circumstances, RIGHT?? As I walked and the rain began to fall I had no place to hide. The chill of the storm had found it’s way deep inside my bones. When I arrived home the warmth of fire began to melt the ice.
This morning the sky was blue, the sun was shining and my anticipation of a day to enjoy Gods' beautiful creation put a smile on my face.I quickly learned that although the sun was out and the sky was blue that the thermometer showed little hope of a 'WARM sunshiny day.'
It is amazing the difference sunshine and blue skies have on the attitude and strength of resolve.
Isn't that how life goes? We can wake up to an 'overcast' day...something is nagging at our heart or head and the day seems a bit cloudy. As the day goes on we may find ourselves walking through a storm of blizzard proportions...the bank called to say your account is short, a loved one is going to be fighting a battle for life, your child is demanding an extra dose of attention.....you know what I mean.
The chill of that storm makes its' way to the bone and stays with you for hours, day or weeks.
Then one day you awake to the sunshine. The clouds have scattered but the frost is still in the air. With the sunshine comes HOPE and the strength to press on. The boss offers an extra hour of overtime...a friend calls to offer love and support....or maybe you are just reminded of a scripture that promises understanding and hope.
Many times it is the touch or maybe just a word from family, friend, or a complete stranger that parts the clouds and allows that first ray of sun. Are YOU a “parter” of the clouds?? When your heart is nudged to contact a friend or speak to that stranger..JUST DO IT! The time it takes will be repaid in the joy renewed and hope restored that a simple gesture of caring can bring. A smile, a word, a hug, a phone call or a card sent are all tools to bring forth the sunshine from behind the clouds!
Listen to your heart and bless and be blessed!!
Listen to your heart and bless and be blessed!!
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