Monday, August 12, 2013


Encouragement.... to fill with courage or strength of purpose...

Are you an encourager or the one in need of encouragement?? I have found myself on both sides of this issue and and without question would, normally, much rather be on the giving end! In the past few months I have been a recipient in more ways than I could have imagined and it has been AWESOME!

"Hang in there"...(I always picture the cat hanging from a limb :) Just Do It....This two shall pass...You can do it!... a few of the many automatic responses you may hear from a friend. But it is not only words that bring sunshine to the heart.

Through the past few months I have had the opportunity to experience some very interesting and fun forms of encouragement. Maybe I have enjoyed these smile creating moments because I have been on the alert. I am convinced I have missed or 'dis-missed' many of those nuggets of hope in the past simply by not taking time to look and listen.

As you may know by now I am training to walk The 3day  . 39 days and counting!!  It has required walking more and further than I would have ever imagined myself capable of. I have discovered some incredible nuggets in my path and along the sidelines. Many of these have given me just the boost I needed to finish my goal for the day.

Normally I would think of a card in the mail, phone call, email or visit from a friend as the tools used to deliver that much needed encouraging word. Through the various aspects of this walk, fund raising, walking the miles of prep, fundraising, attempting to raise awareness of the need, walking the miles of prep, fundraising..(I think you get the message :) I have learned to look in the most unexpected places!

 A person met along the way because I took the time to stop. 
A "PING" on my phone,"a donation has been made on your behalf"
New grips for my walking email this week that they are making a SPECIAL PINK 
pair for my walk...AWESOME!!
Cars passing with people honking and waving...cheering me on (strangers a few weeks ago)
A young boy, head out the window, yelling,"Hi...Hey I like your pink shirt!"
New experiences to be sure..each stamped with a smile on my heart.

 I ENCOURAGE  YOU this week to slow down, and take time to let the light shine on that nugget in your path that will bring that unexpected smile to your day and put a new spring in your step!!
Or maybe that beam will shine on you and you will be the nugget found in another persons path. Either way, YOU WIN!!

Walking Strong   Because Everyone Deserves a Lifetime

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